Hi, my name is Oli.
I love Dj’ing. I live in Kendal, the Lake District.
I am very lucky because it is a beautiful place to grow up.
I have an off-road wheelchair which allows me to explore where I live.
I fundraised during lockdown to buy the off-road chair, and it is amazing.
I love music and singing and love DJ’ing.
I have been able to improve my DJ skills during the lockdown.
I DJ by controlling the software on my computer with my eyes.
There is lots of tech, and it is amazing when it works!
My discos are different because I often use music videos projected big on a wall.
I use Virtual DJ software to mix my music. I do this by using software called the Gid 3 which has been developed by Smartbox. (Click here for more info about Smartbox grid 3
I use a clever camera made by Tobii that tracks my eve movement and allows me to control my computer.
I am a DJ for social distance radio in lockdown.
I use a chair because I have cerebral palsy
This means I do most things differently but it does not stop me.
I helped Gareth Malone and introduced his Children in need record. ‘wake me up’ this record was number 1 for children in need when I was 7.
Please listen to it. if you want to buy it please click here
I have been on the radio lots.
My discos are full of fun and are out of this world.
"I was delighted to be awarded the 'The Outstanding Community Inclusion Award' (Lockdown Legend) at a online ceremony for the work I have done over lockdown...."
The ceremony as held on line this a year. My charity and work on Social Distanmce Radio were key parts of why I was awarded this accolade.
I am very proud and honoured to have received the award when up against some fantastic competition.
The award critera
An award for a person or community who have shown exceptional awareness and support for AAC users and their needs during this particularly challenging time.
The Citation
Winner: Oli Cunningham - As a DJ who uses AAC, Oli Cunningham is well placed to understand the power of music to bring people together and the unique issues of people who use AAC. His DJ work during lockdown has provided a key support for people who use AAC to stay connected.
More on the wards and winners: https://eu.eventscloud.com/ehome/aacawards2021/winners
I started snow skiing when I was 6 years old and learnt locally at Kendal Snow Sports in 2012. I absolutely love skiing, especially the speed. I have been clocked at just short of 75kph.
I have skied most years in the Alps and in 2016 made a video of me skiing which I presented to an audience of 800 people at the Kendal Film Festival to a standing ovation.
I’m really grateful to all the members of Kendal Snow Sports Club who helped me buy my Mountain Man Sit-Skis.
I ski with a ski buddy but sometimes I ski with tethers and fixed outriggers that I can steer myself.
This year in 2022 we went to La Plane France, first trip since co19.
we skied everywhere and some fast silly speed
we skied everywhere on the resort but the weather was a whiteout but didn't stop us.
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